TA-65® is a patented, all natural, plant-based compound which can help maintain or rebuild telomeres, that diminish as people get older.

0DNA strands are protected by telomeres that are built by telomerase.
Exposing human cells to telomerase slows cell ageing and allows cells to begin copying again.

Can lead to increased energy, improved strength, boosts immune system and T lymphocyte production , improved skin physiology (elasticity, age spots disappearing, diminishing of wrinkles), AMD reversal, vision improvement, thicker hair, better sleep, weight control, sexual enhancement.
About TA-65®
TA-65® is a patented, all natural, plant-based compound which can help maintain or rebuild telomeres, that diminish as people get older.
By activating an enzyme called telomerase, the TA-65® compound can help slow down and possibly reverse age and lifestyle-related telomere shortening.

What is a Telomere?
Telomeres are the caps at the end of each strand of DNA, that protect it, like the plastic tips at the end of shoelaces. Telomeres shorten each time a cell divides and act as a clock that signals cells to age.
Eventually telomeres become so short that the DNA is unprotected and cells stop functioning or die.
How TA-65® works
An enzyme called telomerase can slow, stop or perhaps even reverse the telomere shortening that happens as we age. The amount of telomerase in our bodies declines as we get older.
Exposing human cells to telomerase slows cell ageing and allows cells to begin copying again. Activating telomerase can:
Address telomere shortening and cell ageing
Help cells live longer and continue to function properly including T cells which are part of a healthy immune response.
Make old cells function as they did when they were younger (by changing gene expression to a younger phenotype).